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Nov 12

What is an Inverter Welder?

Table of Contents

    How does Inverter Technology Work (in welding machines) ?

    In simple terms, in the case of an inverter welder, it converts AC power to a lower usable output voltage, such as from 220V AC power to 24V DC output.


    It works by increasing the frequency of the mains supply from 50Hz to 20000–100000Hz. This is achieved through the use of electronic switches, which switch extremely quickly (up to a millionth of a second). By controlling the power in this way, the size of the transformer can be greatly reduced before it enters the transformer.


    What is IGBT Inverter Welder?


    Both IGBTs and MOSs belong to this high-speed switching electronic device. Compared to MOSFETs, IGBT technology has significant advantages -less vulnerable to mains and generator power fluctuations making them much more reliable and less prone to damage or failure.


    This inverter welding machine using IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) as a switching device is also called IGBT inverter welding machine



