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Jan 19

The new report predicts that the global market value
of welding materials will continue to rise

Table of Contents

    A new industry report released by the Research and Marketing Department predicts that the global welding material market will continue to grow at an annual rate in the next five years.


    The welding materials market research report analyzes the data and trends, gives a global forecast to 2027, and also considers the cumulative impact of COVID-19 on the industry.


    It is estimated that by 2020, the market will be worth 13.18 billion US dollars, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.42%, and will reach 20.4 billion US dollars by 2027.


    In addition, the report also provides further market insights, such as the growing demand for welding operations in various industries; Impact of substantial increase in investment in infrastructure development; And the high adoption rate of welding robots.


    This study discusses “What is the competitive strategy window of market opportunities” and “What are the technical trends and regulatory frameworks that affect the market?” 25 major global welding material manufacturers were studied, and the activities in the competition pattern of the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Asia Pacific region were considered.

