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Nov 18

Searching for A Reliable STICK/ARC/MMA Welding Machines ?

Table of Contents

    The latest DECAPOWER multi-function ECO series MMA/ARC IGBT inverter welding machine is capable of welding or jointing anything. 


    Incorporating the latest MMA Technology, perfect for all-position welding with outhandling thin metal results and almost zero spatter cleanup! The ECO Series delivers a powerful current with super stable arc force control – fabrication, repairs, metal body works, the ECO welder does it well !


    The ECO welder is a breakthrough machine, utilizing the efficiency and reliability of Multiple IGBT inverters allowing a huge increase in duty cycle, it means you can push this powerhouse to the limit and beyond! Incorporating the latest IGBT Inverter Technology, it is suitable for welding mild steel, copper, iron, brass, alloy, carbon steel ,and more.


    The ECO welder features advanced protective circuit to prevent overload/overheating.


    About Inverter Technology: The benefit of transistor bridge (INVERTER) TECHNOLOGY is its continuous current rectification. This allows for improved efficiency with power conversion exceeding 85%. The entire range of DECAPOWER welders feature inverter technology meaning they are 30% lighter, more compact and easier to use than ever.
